5 Editor Tips – Unity Tips (Volume #1)

Every Tuesday, Unity developers across the globe share some useful tips about Unity. Check #UnityTips to see it yourself!
So today I am sharing 5 Unity tips with you. (5 Free Game Dev Tools)

#1 Playmode Tint

One of the common mistakes developers fall into is not knowing that they’re in “playmode” while editing their scene. The problem with that is, all modification during playmode won’t be saved (Check Tip #2 to solve it). Best way to deal with it is to change Playmode Tint to an odd color so you know you’re in playmode.
Go to Preferences > Colors > Playmode Tint (Then change the tint color).

#2 Copy & Paste Components

If you want to modify a component during playmode and still save the changes, you can copy component values and paste them.
Next any component there is a small gear icon, click it and you’ll see both options to copy or past component values.

#3 Focusing on Objects

Sometimes while working on your level you want to look at one of the objects. You can do that instantly by pressing “F” which will move and focus the camera on that GameObject. If it is a moving object, you can hold “Shift” + “F” to follow it (Working in playmode too!),

#4 Fly-Mode

You can navigate through your scene/level as if you’re flying by using the arrow keys to move around in the editor window. If you want to use your mouse to look and rotate around as an FPS game, then hold down the Right-Mouse-Button and use the WASD keys to move around.

#5 Align with View

While navigating through your level, if you liked a view in the perspective view and you want the game camera to have the same one, select it then press “CMD/CTRL” + “Shift” + “F”. Or you can go to GameObject > Align with View.

Share Your Tips!

Which one of the above is your favorite?
If you got other ones, share them in the comments below and on Twitter using #UnityTips.

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